Text versions

Letters and Salutations

Abstract & Quotations

Sorores in spe resurrectionis (sisters in hope of the Resurrection) argues that there is an overwhelming body of evidence in favour of revising the negative judgment on Anglican ordinations expressed in Pope Leo XIII’s Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae (1896). The ecclesial and sociocultural contexts then and now are significantly different. Through the intervening years, there has been a vast development of ecumenical exchange, cooperation and dialogue – including the groundbreaking Malines Conversations (1921-6). Anglicans and Catholics are now committed to “walking together” on a way of reconciliation, harmony and common witness to the gospel. Important resources for the proposal to revise the judgment on Anglican orders include the insights of the 20th century Liturgical and Ecumenical Movements, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and telling symbolic gestures from Church leaders. To these should be added reflection on the revised rites of ordination, both Anglican and Catholic. Much theological wisdom can be found in contemporary ordination rites to support a renewed understanding of the ministry of all the baptized, deacons, priests and bishops. A broadened understanding of ecclesiality, mystery, participation and anamnesis has encouraged us to look again with fresh eyes at the reality of the Church as the People of God and the Body of Christ beyond the confines of separated ecclesial bodies. Taking into account all of this evidence, both historical and theological, the Malines Conversations Group believes it is time for the negative judgment of Apostolicae Curae on Anglican ordinations to be revised so that our two communions can more fully embrace one another as “sisters in hope of the Resurrection”.


Study day on Sorores in Spe

Centro Pro Unione, 17 March 2022

(in presence and online)

09:30 “Presentation of Sorores in Spe,”

Rev. Dr. James Hawkey Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey; Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen, and Chair of the Westminster Abbey Institute

Prof. Joris Geldhof Professor of Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium and chair of the Liturgical Institute and Past President, Societas Liturgica

10:15 Discussion

10:30 “Locating contemporary Catholicism in relation to Apostolicae curae: What it tells Catholics about themselves”

Prof. Thomas O’Loughlin Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology, The University of Nottingham

11:15 Discussion

11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00 “Epistemological and hermeneutical approaches to deal with the resolution of old problems, now in a new context.”

Fr. William Henn, ofm cap Pontifical Gregorgian University; Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity; member of the Faith & Order Commission, WCC and Catholic member of several Dialogue Commissions

12:30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

15:00 “Sorores in Spe: How to resolve the remaining issues”

Dr. Susan K. Wood, scl Academic Dean, Regis College, University of Toronto; Professor of Systematic Theology; Past President of the Catholic Theological Society of America; Member of the North American Roman Catholic-Orthodox Theological Consultation and the International Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue

15:45 Discussion

16:00 “What might a reevaluation of Apostolicae Curae mean for ministry ‘on the ground’?”

Rt. Rev. Bruce J. A. Myers, OGS Anglican Bishop of Quebec

16:45 Discussion

17:00-17:30 Tea Break

17:30 Panel Discussion:“What does a reconsideration mean for theology, for the way how we educate people in theology, for parishes and communities, for the Malines Conference Group (what should be their next step)”

Dr. Tamara Grdzelidze Professor, Ilia State University in the department of Religious Studies as well as in Political Science; Former Orthodox Member of the Faith & Order Commission, World Council of Churches; Ambassador of Georgia to the Holy See (2014-2018)

Rev. Dr. Erik Eckerdal Lutheran Church in Sweden; CEO of Samariterhemmet diakoni, Uppsala, Sweden

Rev. Canon Prof. Sarah Coakley, FBA Norris-Hulse Professor emerita, Cambridge University; Honorary Professor Australian Catholic University; Honorary Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford; Honorary Professor, the Logos Institute, St Andrews University

Rev. James F. Puglisi, sa Director, Centro Pro Unione; Professor of Ecumenism at the Ecumenical Institute San Bernardino, Venice; Professor emeritus, Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Pontifical University, St. Thomas Aquinas-Angelicum; Past President, Societas Liturgica

18:45 Conclusion

Presentation: 15/12/2021

Ecumenical Seminar on the new document
of the Malines Conversations Group

In occasion of the centenary of the Malines Conversations (1921-2021),
the Malines Conversations Group will present its new document:

Sisters in Hope of the Resurrection:

A Fresh Response to the Condemnation of Anglican Orders (1896)

during an ecumenical seminar at the Angelicum’s Institute for Ecumenical Studies,
Wednesday, 15 Decembers 2021, 15:00-16:00


The Malines Conversations Group and the preparation of Sorores in Spe, Rev. Thomas Pott (Sant’Anselmo, Rome)

Historical notes on Apostolicae Curae, Saepius Officio and the Malines Conversations, Rev. Jeremy Morris (Cambridge)

The sources, the method and the structure of Sorores in spe resurrectionis, Prof. Joris Geldhof (Leuven)

A short appraisal of Sorores in Spe with respect to “reading the signs of the times” in socio-cultural perspective today, Rev. Cyrille Vael (Chevetogne)

Why this document is important for Anglicans, Rev. Sarah Coakley (Washington D.C.)

A short appraisal of Sorores in Spe with respect to “reading the signs of the times” in theological and ecumenical perspective today, Archbishop David Moxon (Hamilton, New Zealand)

In what sense Sorores in Spe is linked to the work and mission of IARCCUM, Bishop Johan Bonny (Antwerp)

Why this document is important for Catholics, Sr Gemma Simmonds (Cambridge)

In presence at Aula 11 of the Angelicum or in direct streaming on Angelicum YouTube.
Access to zoom link: ecumenism@pust.it.

Malines Conversations Group © 2023