Malines Conversations

1921 - 2021

Centenary Commemoration

Mechelen / Malines

La Journée annuelle d’étude et de rencontre de la Commission nationale pour l’œcuménisme aura lieu le samedi 4 décembre au centre pastoral de Malines. 
La journée sera consacrée principalement à la commémoration du début des Conversations de Malines (1921-2021). L’ancien archevêque de Canterbury, Rowan Williams, y présentera le livre qu’il a écrit sur les Conversations.
Les sessions de l’après-midi porteront sur les héritiers de ce dialogue, les succès et les défis des dialogues des anglicans avec l’Église catholique (Canon A. Denaux), avec l’Église orthodoxe (métropolite Athénogoras Peckstadt) et avec les réformés (pasteur P. Djomhoue).

Infos et inscription:

De jaarlijkse studie- en ontmoetingsdag van de Nationale Commissie voor Oecumene vindt plaats op zaterdag 4 december in het Pastoraal Centrum in Mechelen.
De herdenking van het begin van de Mechelse Gesprekken (1921-2021) zal centraal staan op deze dag. De voormalige aartsbisschop van Canterbury, Rowan Williams, zal het boekje presenteren dat hij schreef over de Gesprekken.
De middagsessies zullen zich richten op de erfgenamen van deze dialoog, de successen en uitdagingen van de dialogen tussen de Anglicaanse en de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk (Kanunnik A. Denaux), met de Orthodoxe Kerk (Metropoliet Athenagoras Peckstadt) en met de Gereformeerden (Pastor P. Djomhoue).

Informatie en inschrijving:

6 December 2021: York, UK

Monday 6 December 2021 marks the centenary of the beginning of the first session of the Malines Conversations in 1921. Since the planned major Centenary Commemoration in Mechelen/Malines (1-5 December 2021) has been postponed, the Dean and Chapter of York, together with The Rt Hon The Earl of Halifax and the Malines Conversations Group are pleased to invite you to participate online in a short commemorative event on Monday, 6 December 2021, 4pm, in York Minster. This will consist of a keynote address by Bishop Rowan Williams and the presentation of a book he has written to mark the centenary of the Malines Conversations. This session will be followed by Choral Evensong, sung by the Choir of York Minster. These celebrations will mark the inauguration of a longer period of celebration and reflection which will culminate in the major in-person conference in Mechelen in 2023.


4:00pm (17:00 time in Belgium)
Lecture (Chapter house)

Keynote address by Bishop Rowan Williams

Response by Bishop Jean Kockerols (Belgium)

Presentation of The Malines Conversations:
The Beginnings of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue
by Rowan Williams

5:30pm (18:30 time in Belgium)
Evensong, sung by the Choir of York Minster


The whole event will be livestreamed on York Minster’s YouTube channel:

This link will be embedded on the front page of the website of the Malines Conversations Group:

Live audience in York Minster

A small number of places are available for the lecture: please email/click XYZ to book.

Choral Evensong is open to the public

4:00pm (17:00 time in Belgium) Lecture (Chapter house)

Keynote address by Bishop Rowan Williams

Response by Bishop Jean Kockerols (Belgium)

Presentation of The Malines Conversations: The Beginnings of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue by Rowan Williams

5:30pm (18:30 time in Belgium) Evensong, sung by the Choir of York Minster

Sermon: Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell

The postponed Centenary Commemoration

The planning and the organisation of the postponed Centenary Celebration
of the Malines Conversations (1921-1925) is now being pursued centrally
by a committee of the the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels.

As the Malines Conversations Group, as a body, is not represented in the planning process,
please contact the archdiocese directly for any inquiries.